Schema Therapy Associates - leading providers of Schema Therapy

Schema Therapy for Couples


Sometimes love is not enough; sometimes love wanes.

Either way, it is common for couples to get caught up in a cycle of misunderstanding, mutual feelings of neglect or hostility and rejection. It can feel as if the person you chose to share your life with is no longer there and instead, you’re living with an ill-intentioned or indifferent stranger. Emotional storms can become so intense that each party wishes that there was a referee who could create order and rules.

A careful exploration of the underlying emotional situation will frequently reveal a complex pattern of maladaptive schemas and coping modes that are being triggered between partners. The aim of Schema Therapy is to clarify the underlying patterns in the relationship and transform them so that the relationship can become a source of emotional healing, support and well-being.

Couples therapy usually involves the regular attendance of both parties but might also include periods of time where the therapist works predominantly with one or the other partner individually. As relationships are complex, some therapists prefer to work in tandem with another therapist when offering couples therapy.

Schema Therapy brings unique and transformative solutions to managing difficulties in relating and establishing healthy and satisfying relationships.

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